Sunday 27 September 2009

Jeti prints

Inventive new stuff in by the Jeti Projekti collective. Also a bunch of new purses hot off the designers silk screening tables.


Kekseliäitä printtejä Jeti Projekti:lta. Myös uusia käsintehtyjä kukkaroita ja rahapusseja suoraan painosta.

Thursday 17 September 2009

For The Love of Cute

Fawn Fatale tea cups, cake, ribbon, guns and even Jesus and Mary, all on a chain!


Fawn Fatalen teekupit, kaakut, rusettinauhat, pyssyt ja Jeesus ja Maria, kaikki ketjun päässä!

Tuesday 15 September 2009

Dress Up as The Democratic Queen of Credit Cards

Antti Asplund has just delivered some oxytoxically blue dressed and credit crunching necklaces among other things to colour the greyness of our reality...or something like that!
Do visit A Town.


Muun muassa Antti Asplundin oxytoxisen siniset hameet ja visakortti kaulakorut Luxissa!

Friday 11 September 2009